For the duration of Episode 8: The Lair, OSLO10 will hide deep in the shadows of the dark web. The regular contents of this website will only be accessible through an encrypted network. In order to visit the site, you will need to download and launch the TOR Browser. From there, you can navigate to OSLO10 at http://iae4pm5z277yr64q.onion

This intervention was realized by BLUNTxSKENSVED, whose computer was configured to act as the website's server, running 24/7 until the exhibition's end.

Episode 8: The Lair opens June 11th at 18:00
Oslostrasse 10, 4141 Münchenstein, Switzerland

Featuring: Blunt x Skensved, Alfred Boman, Dorota Gaweda & Egle Kulbokaite, Elin Gonzalez, Aaron Ritschard, Anna Uddenberg, Raphaela Vogel, Mathias Wyss

For the duration of Episode 8: The Lair, OSLO10 will hide deep in the shadows of the dark web. The regular contents of this website will only be accessible through an encrypted network. In order to visit the site, you will need to download and launch the TOR Browser. From there, you can navigate to OSLO10 at http://iae4pm5z277yr64q.onion

This intervention was realized by BLUNTxSKENSVED, whose computer was configured to act as the website's server, running 24/7 until the exhibition's end.

Episode 8: The Lair opens June 11th at 18:00
Oslostrasse 10, 4141 Münchenstein, Switzerland

Featuring: Blunt x Skensved, Alfred Boman, Dorota Gaweda & Egle Kulbokaite, Elin Gonzalez, Aaron Ritschard, Anna Uddenberg, Raphaela Vogel, Mathias Wyss